Subsea Alba Limited is an organization built
on continuous improvement – a learning
organization. We believe we can always do
better, be better, and know more. This extends
to our sustainability practices. Our report
highlights the sustainability practices
currently established at Subsea Alba Services
and initiatives underway to enhance our ESG
performance. We are excited to release our
Sustainability Report to not only reinforce
our current commitment to ESG practices but
showcase our historical performance
– Bob Greenwood, President, and Chief
Operating Officer.
Subsea Alba Service’s Sustainability Report
outlines the Company’s sustainability strategy
by focusing on four key areas that the Company
considers meaningful and material to our
Governance: Subsea Alba Limited is committed to solid
governance practices and capital stewardship
for long-term value creation for our
business, our customers, our shareholders,
and our communities.
Environment: Subsea Alba Limited is
committed to being a part of the evolving
energy transition through technology
innovation and exploration of low carbon and
carbon offsetting alternatives.
Health & Safety: Subsea Alba
Services is committed to exceeding industry
best practices that ensure our workforce
safety and our operational performance.
People: Subsea Alba Limited is
committed to investing in our diverse
workforce through training, development, and
talent retention practices. Subsea Alba
Services is committed to investing in our
communities through employment, financial
investment, and volunteer initiatives.